Wedding Fever
My best girl pal, Rachel, and her lovely man, Micah, were married on Saturday, August 6th, at 3:36PM, PST.
Justin and I (that's us in the photo, btw) met in Corvallis on Friday to offer them our event support as members of the wedding party-- and the only ones who were not immediate family, at that. Rachel was a very "good" bride. She didn't freak out or go Bridezilla on us at all, and only pulled one major "oops" by leaving the weddign certificate at home. Not to worry, another Llama brought the paperwork on Saturday and they were officially married by Internet-sanctioned Pastor Paul.
The ceremony was lovely and I was only a sobbing mess for, uh, most of it, as I predicted. Rachel and Micah held themselves together quite well. I'm not sure I can expect as much composure of myself at my wedding as they demonstrated on Saturday.
The reception, of course, was fabulous as well, catered by Cornucopia and kept in stock of wine by Tyee Wineries where the whole thing was held. We danced, caroused and ate deeeelicious cake. I even managed to fulfil my ambition of catching the bouquet tossed by the bride. Looks like I'm next, eh? Not like I mind or anything... but Justin says we have to wait till we live in the same zip code. Leave it to him to be logical. I already asked Rachel to be my bridesmaid. I think I might be *slightly* insane.
In my joy at my two good friends being wed, I then had ENTIRELY too much to drink (another goal) and really can't remember much of the after party. Except something about Sprite and Ouzo... and three shots in a row of gin/tequila/gin with Micah's dad. I'm pretty sure I smoked a cigar. And that I had a good time. But I only really started to come to when I was throwing up out of Justin's car window and there was a police officer asking us if everything was ok... which it was, and we went back to the hotel where I was ill for a while longer and then slept like a lot to awake to the worst, and most well-earned hangover I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Most drinkingest night ever, in truth.
Taking part in the RacheMicah wedding was an exhausting, intense, and unbelievably joyful experience. I was honored to be a part of the crew, and still find myself giddy at the thought of their matrimony. 'Taint much more I can say, except to rephrase the closing of my wedding toast to them...
My greatest hope is that they remain close to those they love: their friends, their family, and most of all, each other.