Vicarious Living
Looks like I'm going out to lunch with Cole again tomorrow. As Justin put it, "I think he likes you." Yay me. ^^ I was talking to Cole in the SRC today and he told me I'd "done a whole lotta living for nineteen years." It always makes me feel good to hear things like that. I know I don't know a damn thing about the world... but it's good to feel well spoken and mildly sage. I like the chance to play my archetype, to give advice and to reflect. It pays to be introspective.
I'm surprised more people aren't open with their inward meanderings. In fact, I know several people who are less than keen about sharing their weblogs with people they know or with family members. They feel they have to watch what they say. I don't really blame them, but the way I figure, people can either like me for who I am or they can go suck donkey cock. That doesn't mean I'm going to be completely liberal with my criticism of people I know who read this blog. Nor will I generally bash people by name. I have tact. Not a whole lot of it, but I do. There is a difference (be it a fine line) between Honesty and Insult. The difference, I believe is truth. Now that's a subjective statement. By Honest I don't mean "this is how it should be" but rather "this IS how I feel" rather than one hot moment of anger. The tough part is deciding whether something to be written is how you feel NOW or how you feel REALLY. I try to only write what I REALLY feel.
Still, I don't understand people's hysteria about their name and the names of people they know being pubished on the web. (The irony with this link is that it's now a "blog of note" listed on the main Blogger page.) THERE IS NO CONSPIRACY AGAINST YOU. If there is, should you really care? If people want info about you, they'll find it anyway. The more difficult you make it, the more people want a challenge. You want my name? Hell, have it. You want my social security? Why the hell do I care... I have to use it for every goddam thing on this campus anyway. You want my address and phone number? Well, it's easy enough to get those if you know my name. I don't think the world is out to stalk me or steal my identity. I don't have much to offer, really.
I do understand genuine concern about family and friends who might be grossly sensitive to criticism. But really, it's these people, not the writer, who need to change. If you're writing what you REALLY feel about someone you know and, to their disappointment, they read it... let em deal. They should be able to process criticism if they have a brain.The blog is YOUR world. No one can change it. Thought I can kind of understand not wanting to let certain people up-close-and-personal into your brainspace, I do think it's a shame. When I started this blog, I gave the address to my mom, my sisters, my grandmother, and my boyfriend's mom. Some of them looked at it, some of them didn't. I was surprised, really. I guess they were either bored by it, offended, it went over their head, or they really aren't tech savvy enough to care. Either way, I never heard one word of feedback from them. The only people I know read this are friends and all the anons (hello anons, say hi!), with whom I use his blog as a calling card. This is who I am. There's no reason for me to censor myself.
It feels good to finally be confident enough (and have few enough secrets) to say that.
Also, read this. It r0xx0rs. Oh, but first, you must MUST MUST **MUST** watch the Mac Commercial featuring "Ellen Feiss". Otherwise you will not understand some of the jokes. Is this girl not baked out of her MIND? And for that matter, what the hell is UP with Mac's new ad campaign? Like, "Hello, I'm a computer moron and certified elitist asshole and since I'm too dumb to use windows, I switched to Mac." I guess that's still Thinking Different but it makes me want to vomit and throw that new iMelon through large department store windows. Blar! BLAR, I say! Mr. Jobs, you are soooo close to being a whipping boy for satan, just like Mr. Gates. Perhaps he'll make you matchin leather outfits. Dance, monkeys, dance!! Muahahaha.... (wow, I've ended both of the last two entries with an evil laugh...)
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