Sunday, February 1

I decided to write my short story on the subject of a male Hikkokomori and all his quirks and annoyances (seems he thinks he's bored rather than afraid) rather than trying to construct a complicated narrative from the POV of someone with Schizophrenia in Japanese society. I wanted to write something that might help me identify with Host Sister but the fact is that I don't think I can accurately write from that point of view without sounding overdramatic. The perspective I'm running with now is a bit lighter but more in the vein of black humor with an uplifting ending. The kid in my story, Shinji, will have been in his room for five years until some strange repetitive dreams about a very familiar woman drive him to suddenly begin to once again crave human contact. A lot of what I want to write about has factual origin but a somewhat farcical tone. I hope that it still deals with some of the problems concerning mental illness in Japan without being a melodrama. Maybe I'll post it here when I'm done.

Anyway, in looking up some details on Hikkikomori victims, I came across this site, which is quite possibly the most amazing and amusing site on everything Japan you didn't know and don't need to know but really ought to read. Seriously. It really is wacky. Seriously.

I've been doing homework for too long.