Death and Taxes
So I owe those fuckers in the government $440 this year. I suppose it's my fault for having listed too many exemptions on my W4 (it still had "2" from when I was working multiple jobs) but I'd never had a problem with it yet. All this because my parents STILL insist on listing me as a dependent so THEY can save money. Wait a minute here... how is it that the fat cat bureaucrats are pocketing money from their dividends while I, the poor student without even $440 to my name, is expected to pay up? This makes no sense! Now, on the other hand, if I were listed as an INDEPENDENT, not only would the federal taxes I owe drop to a negligible amount ($3 vs. $340) but I would be eligible for a full refund of all taxes I PAID ($330) which would be more than enough to pay off the $160 I owe the state. Why did everyone tell me I would get a refund from the state? Liars!!!
Christ, out of an income of $11,225, the feds want $670 and the state wants $685. Thanks, guys, that's great. Really great. I'm glad I can work for a fucking living.
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