Tuesday, February 18

Google has boughten blogger. Shit, dude, I knew I should have gone Pro.

Oh, yeah, and people who I don't know have taken to watching my butt on my webcam and sending me pictures of it. That's almost as weird as the email I got LAST WEEK from a Register Guard reporter who saw my picture in the Math Department staff directory and emailed me just to say I was hot. It's not even a good picture, either!

Ok, and speaking of which-- Who was at my party that was looking at the certain photographs on my boyfriends computer? No, I don't mean the pr0n CDs, I was there for that. I mean the pictures. I just... heard... rumors. And I don't know whether to believe them because I wasn't sober. I'd find it amusing to know who has compromised my integrity. I mean... further ... I mean... yeah.
