Thursday, October 31

Just doing my part to piss off the religious right!

I spent the day dressed up in paleopagan garb. This afternoon, in a spur-of-the-moment spendy ($17) decision I went to the Democratic rally with Murray and Gwynne... my big FUCK YOU to conservatives. I shook the hand of former stud-president Bill Clinton. The poor man, he looks so old and run down-- but what an excellent speaker! Bradybury was funny... is funny... he's just sp BIG and GOOFY. Oh, and when Kulingowsky saw Murray and I, whom he met on Tuesday, he said "hi guys!"

So I'm immersed in political liberalism and dressed like a heathen. Go me! Tonight when I'm done killing babies, maybe Satan will have sex with me. Har har. (Stupid Christians)

Today was rather interesting being dressed in garb. Brr. Today was wonderfully, magnificently cold. A beautiful, brisk fall day... just like Michigan. All you wussy Oregonians, this is what you're missing!!! Too bad I wasn't dressed for it either.

I swear, there's something magical about dressing up. I recieved so many complements on my costume and general appearance-- flattering things that people wouldn't normally say. I wonder what it is about being in garb that makes me beautiful. It just fits, y'know?

It kind of saddens me that today's really the only "acceptable" day of the year for me to wear this outfit (wearing a shirt underneath cos it's so friggin COLD) and not get strange looks. One woman at the rally practically ACCOSTED me and told me I should model and that I was an "inspiration." Christ, lady, I'm flattered but what is that supposed to MEAN? Scary.

Aside from being one of very few students in costume and meeting Clinton, the day was otherwise normal. My philosophy class further asserted that it was badass as we spent a good ten or so minutes debating Lord of the Rings. Prior to that, my prof made an excellent and creepy point about religious misconceptions:

How many of you educated people out there could have a conversation of more than three minutes on Islam or Muslim beliefs with your current knowledge? How many of you could educate someone about a religion that holds over a third of the worlds' belief? How many of you were taught the history of Islam in your history classes?

Imagine, then, going to an Islamic country and hearing every day on the radio about the "threat" of Christianity and the "politicization" of Christianity. Imagine living in a country infused with fear and hate toward Christianity but where no one knew who Christ was or what he stood for.

Seem screwed up? Change Christ to Muhammed and Christianity to Islam and you have America. We're militant, ignorant, and claiming to be civilized and educated.

Fuck. I never thought of it that way.


It's strange, I've been seeing a lot of signs lately. I wonder what-- if anything-- they all mean. On the ride home last week I saw three black birds and one albino on top of a light post. The white bird seemed enveloped in light. The other day along the same stretch I passed a black cat with yellow eyes sitting in a clearing among the bushes just looking at me. When I turned around to talk to the cat, he was gone.


Superstitions, YEA!