Thursday, March 7

SWEET Luvvin'
I thought I would be Sidhe but... this sounds fairly accurate...

What kith are you? Find out here.

Musicians, sages, and creatures of lust; satyrs both live for pleasure and take pleasure from life. Emotional dilettantes, they float in and out of love, hate and sorrow, never staying with any one thing or feeling for too long. Satyrs delight in new experiences; they're always looking forward to the next romance, the next party or the next battle. Thanks to their never-ending appetite for pleasure, satyrs have excellent stamina. No one else can handle week-long drunken revelries the way they can. Satyrs are also notorious for their impulsive behaviour. "It seemed like a good idea at the time," is almost a way of life.

On the other hand, satyrs deeply prize wisdom. They've been known to pass up a party if a truly interesting conversation has attracted their interest for the moment. Passion, to them, includes intellectual passion; indeed, they believe true wisdom is found through the things one holds passion for.