Sunday, March 10

Grey Street
Yes, I do have thoughts on the weekend too... they're just... slower.

Today is Sunday. Sunday in every sense of the word except the... sun. Lazy, laid-back, errand- running Sunday.

I spent most of the weekend playing catch-up with housework and errands, working out once or twice, and took evenings over in the dorms with Charles, who kindly treated me to Sakura's on Friday, watching Trigun and staying up late. Biking home at 2 AM does strange things to my mind. I don't think it's a good idea to play russian roulette with stop signs and intersections, but it certainly has given me an energy boost. At 2 AM, my brain seems to be able to let go to the extent that it refuses to think it could be my time to die careening down a hill and through a blind intersection. There were no cars. Why do I wish it had been a close call? What's wrong with me, thrill-seeking in the middle of the night on Harris? Do I want to die? No, yes... well, whatever. It'll happen someday anyway. Might as well make it fun.

Reilly hasn't spoken to me for a week. I always feel like backing down at this point. I can't stand cold wars. I'd rather things were openly wrong. I almost want to apologize for overstepping my bounds but so far I've refrained. That would be selling out, ne? I don't need to be friends with him.

I might as well try though. It is, after all, the end of the world. Might I ask, what the fuck is wrong with the Bush administration? I really didn't think that during my lifetime I'd have to fear nuclear holocaust. It seems we're regressing. It's enough to put the fear of god into ya. Maybe that's what the world needs. No, that's wrong. The world needs to be free of morons.

Current projects: Tokyo Cyberpunk paper, "GROWING UP A MACHINIC JUNKIE: Adolescent Introspection and Apotheosis through Technology" (Eva/ S.E. Lain), PIA [personal image assessment] for VisComm. I'm contemplating analyzing a scene from porn. Just to go out with a bang.

A small wish list: More trigun, More bebop, NOIR. Portable MP3 Player. Digital Camera. Chocolate.