Tuesday, November 27

Bruised and Beautiful
I just came back from a trip to the store for Chai Nog. Some guy stepped on me in line and I'll sure have a bruise there... maybe all I need is to get kicked in the shins every now and then because I suddenly feel GOOD. Actually neutral/ happy and really grateful for the support I've been recieving from everyone. I want to issue a special thanks to Justin. I know that sometimes I feel like you're not responsive to my bitch-fests but am grateful because you are the most *stable* person I know. I can be honest with you and you don't freak out. You are a rock for me and a comfort blanket when I need it. You really are wonderful and I don't think anyone else could stand up to the amount of emotional shit I throw at you and not run screaming into the dark of the night. I am also thankful for the other new and old friends I have. Kathy and Charles and the guys at work. Sometimes I don't like hearing about the relationship problems, though. (heh heh) Thanks to Alex for having the courage to be my friend, it means a lot to me that we can even talk. Thanks to Sian for coming up on a Google search so I know she's still alive.

Thanks to all of you for reassuring me that I'm not alone down here. Thanks for listening and I have so many more stories for you if you want to listen. Thanks for talking back, I really like to hear "hello" sometimes.

And on another note, for the second time ever, I just met IRL a person I'd previously known via chat only. Charles (Cad on ICQ) and I met at the Buzz for coffee after I got off work today. Of all the locals I've met online, he's been the only one deserving of a response to a meeting invite. Only person I've met in a long time who's both interesting and polite and EXTREMELY well spoken. I like making new friends! Especially ones who don't just ask for an online picture and then cybersex!