Tuesday, November 27

3 AM
I love my neighbors. What the FUCK would convince them to have a party at 3AM on MONDAY of Dead Week? Yes, they're students too. *Thursday* I might understand and even put up with, but *&$^ing Monday and I'll have to get dirty. Not to mention my bedroom window is right next to their car port and back room, where their parties are often held. I feel retarded for resorting to petty tattling, but it was the only way I could cope- so I called them in on noise disturbance. I don't know if the cops ever came... I eventually got back to sleep *sheepish smile* until Tyler's mega-loud alarm went off at 5 AM and he got up. Why? I don't know, the boy is taking the equivalent of zero classes. Hum. All in all I slept fine... but the moral of the story is: don't FUCK with my sleep!

As for other randomness, I discovered some hilarity yesterday at work. Check out Tokyo Breakfast. Crazy Japanese.