Monday, November 19

Just another Manic...
I can never decide what I think about mondays... at least I have enough time on my hands while I'm at work to contemplate doing such mindless things as ACTUALLY setting up a weblog. It cracks me up really. On one hand, there's nothing more mindlessly trivial than sharing your "deep thoughts" with an audience who doesn't really care and will be ultimately only entertained by your drama. On the other hand, I've always TRIED to keep a journal and failed becuause *I* didn't really care about it. Maybe keeping up appearances will maintain whatever motivation I posess. Secondly, recent weeks have proven that being able to communicate with peers, or recieve even indirect verbal input from them is VERY important. Weblog wise or in real life. I'm discovering that for a "communications" major, I lack some important communicative skills. Patience ranks first and perspecitive probably follows second. The one think that I realize is that communication take a lot of work... but sometimes it helps just to be able to lay it all out there.

Thank GOD I didn't consider psychology as a major becasue that would be a whole 'nother mess.