Friday, February 7

Guess what? You can now pre-order your very own Segway for only $5,000 on!

Here is a mode of transportation for the truly lazy. It's creator, in the promotional video, admits to creating the segway with a mind to faze out walking and bicycling. Isn't that the most exercise normal people GET? Gosh, though, looks like you have to be under 250 lbs to ride one. Bit of a problem there, hm?

I'm glad for another emission-free mode of transportation. I'd love to try one out myself, just for fun but they're such a GIMMICK. It makes sad to think I'll probably be seeing them on the streets soon.

What is a Segway? A glorified toy; a Gearhead's wet dream! Besides potential medical uses, they're completely superflous. Technology has made us into the ultimate seekers of convenience and will destroy us all.