Tuesday, January 7

weighing in
126?? 126??? What the hell...?
Now this is strange.

We've already established that I'm too skinny. And I'm sure as hell I'm not trying to lose weight!

I've had super-metabolism since coming back from Glacier. I'm eating enough that I'm full and doing so often (since I get low blood sugar). I'm having dessert every day (cos god knows if it's there, why not?). I'm working out regularly but not too much ... in my opinion, just what feels good. And despite the fact that I don't feel like eating any more or exercising any less, I'm still losing weight.

Now what's weird is that the holidays, wherin I took a break from all that exercise and ate like a gleefully mad piglet, had the opposite effect that they should have had. I expected to come back and be happy that I'd put on a few pounds and be happy that I don't have to walk around in a bikini for six months.

Over break, I just got enough exercise to keep me from going mad or feeling like I was atrophying. A couple times a week I stretched my legs, went on a run, did some crunches and pushups. When we were in Belize all I did was dive and snorkel... in a wetsuit thick enough to keep me mostly warm. There wasn't much of ANYWHERE to walk or run being that I could throw a rock from one end of the island to the other. We ate a shitload of greasy food (much to my displeasure, all meat and starch. >.<) and had ice cream at least once a day, not to mention consuming copious amounts of Fanta and mixed drinks.

Granted, I did spend a few days being involuntarily bulimic due to seasickness. Granted, it was hot and we didn't feel like sitting in front of a shmorgasboard of food just to keep warm. Granted, I *didn't* lift the whole time and I probably lost some muscle mass cos I'm sure a lot weaker today... but I'm not THAT much weaker. Shit.

So I come back to find out I've lost another five pounds. WHY, I ask you, WHY? I'm not bragging; I'm weirded out. I've never weighed 126 except before my growth spurt in SIXTH GRADE. BEFORE I grew eight inches to my current height. I weigh about ten pounds more than LIZ, stick-figure (although remarkably pretty and striking) of a sister and she doesn't have ANY MUSCLES or ANY BOOBS. I'd like to think I have a bit of both.

Do I have a tapeworm? Am I wasting away?

I'm healthy. I feel fine. I look good. I'm not doing anything different or weird. I'm NOT starving myself or counting calories for CHRISSAKES. (Ask Justin, he knows how I eat... I eat what I want, which is normally healthy foods, but I eat A LOT) Yes, I realize I'm image conscious and it annoys some people, including myself. I may feel ugly sometimes or comment on stupid things occasionally (Did you know that a single serving sized Marie Calender's chicken pot pie has 1000 calories??) but that doesn't mean I CARE (they're tasty pies! ^^).

So what's the deal? Should I be concerned? Should I see a doctor? Should I order Papa John's pizza every other night? Or should I just continue believing that my body knows what it's doing and that I know what's best for it. Maybe I should go do some Gap ads and make money off my crazy metabolism before it changes back to something more normal.

There's nothing wrong with me, is there?