Thursday, December 12

yes, well...
I'm not sure where that last entry came from. It just sort of drooled out my fingers and into the blog. I'm supposed to be writing a ten-page paper for Philosophy but I just can't bring myself to care. Instead I'm doodling around on the internet which, as usual, is amusing me now that I don't need it to be. I keep revisting the pro-ana forums that I've been watching obsessively since writing my article with the hopes that I might be able to save one person from themselves. I should be writing my damn paper.

I'm tired and uninspired. It's no big surprise; I got home from Portland at 2:30AM last night. Needless to say, Tori Amos was amazing. God, she's the prettiest lady ever and she sings the bestest of them all. I want to have her babies. The arena was pretty damn small... even though we had sucky seats, they weren't really that bad. But after nearly four hours of sitting in bleacher seats, my ass hurt something terrible. Thankfully, we got to stand and move around for the encores since the people sitting next to us left. That felt SO good. And Tori did... what?... seven encore songs? That's like half a freaking concert right there. And she played the best song of the night as her second to last encore piece. The encore sucked; she should have just kept it to Taxi Ride.

The opening act was really pretty good, too- a guy named Howie Day. We wondered if he was from Australia cos his promo stickers had Aussie on it. Alex and I decided we felt bad for him after the concert cos he was hanging around meeting people but everyone had pretty much left or wasn't interested in talking to him. I thought he was cute and he had nice anime hair (not to mention a HUGE talent with voice and guitar!)

Anyway, I'm really fucking burnt after all that driving. UGH. At least there wasn't any traffic going up. I expected it to be a madhouse. And really, it was almost too easy. I felt like something bad had to happen to prevent us from getting there or finding parking. But we just sort of drive straight up there in an hour and a half and parked (during which I blocked traffic and ran into the car behind me... no big, that's what bumpers and turn signals are for) and took our seats even before 8 o'clock. It was rad.

GGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. OK, I should get back to this paper. I think the stupid barista at Starbucks made my coffee with regular instead of decaf. It's giving me palpitations. >.< Oyyyy, my heart, my heart!!

But first, a note on drinking and driving (and poor grammar/ vocabulary): On the way up to the city last night, I saw a sign that said REPORT ANY DRINKING DRIVER as if it were suggesting you phone in the man on your left sipping his americano. What the hell ever happened to proper word useage? And Justin just told me that the Oregonian reports that Tonya Harding has just been required to "take classes on drunken drinking." I suspect that they actually mean "drunken driving" given that she was just pulled over on suspicion of DUI.

Fool journalists.