Saturday, October 12

I'm still alive...
But talk about a self fulfilling prophecy....

So I say tonight we party. I drink myself into a stupor, tell everyone I love them, instigate a gigantorriffic orgy and then kill myself. Not quite twenty. And the world is not enough.

I'd have to say that I've had enough for now anyway. Whew... Um. Yah.

So after several days of suspicious behavior, Justin threw me a surprise birthday party!! Err.. well, it was mostly a surprise. I kind of knew about it but that was mostly cos I'm smart. On the way home from Glacier I threw this huge fit about how my parents never gave me good parties and the ones that they did give me sucked cos I had no friends and nothing to do. And then I whined about how I'd never had a surprise party and I wanted party hats and Toot Toots and now I had friends and there's always something to do (especially if you're drunk and ESPECIALLY-- for some reason-- at our parties). So anyway, I had an inkling cos we were going to "plan" a party but I was too busy to do it and besides, who wants to plan their own b-day party? So I kept needlign Justing to do it and at first he was willing but then became reticent. This was CLUE NUMBER ONE.

CLUE NUMBER TWO was that I knew he was talking to my friends via email. Granted, most of them are his friends now too but it was still fishy. CLUE NUMBER THREE was that Gwynne wanted to go to coffee on friday, set up the time quickly (conveniently changed plans when I wanted to) and when I told Justin he said rather quickly, "you should do that, that would be fun!" So I was set up to be kidnapped. CLUE NUMBER FOUR was that Justin went to the grocery store. He would starve and eat canned goods if it weren't for me so this was HIGHLY abnormal. Oh, cake ingredients, says he. He wants to make me a cake for my b-day. On a time deadline? I organized the kitchen in the first place... it's not like I don't notice new bottles of wine and curious amounts of orange juice and lemonade. ;) CLUE NUMBER FIVE was that on the morning of the kidnapping Gwynne called to confirm and then asked for Justin. When I slyly pressed for details, he was reticent to share. CLUE NUMBER SIX: Gwynne seemed to need to get me home by a specific time. And on the way home, Dave called from my phone number and I picked up the cell phone. Clever ;)

Actually, the loose detective work was just fun. There's only so much I can play dumb when I basically begged to be set up. And let's just say that sometimes, little birds tell little kat secrets. *poke poke* accidentally.

So I got home and there were ALL MY FAVORITE PEOPLE! All my manz and all my bitchez!!! THERE WERE PARTY HATS and TOOT TOOTS!!!! And Alex even came to say hi and he didn't go away!! And Blake came eveen though he got run over by a truck earlier in the day!!! And there were Blaze and Kilo, Dave and Gwynne (pictured together but not "together"), Katie, Cat, Peter, Murray, Ryan, (all of whom evaded the photos) and Damian in a skirt (who was there briefly) and anyone else I forgot stupidly. Cock and Trin are in Cali with the marching band so they didn't come. Boy, did they miss out.

Basically it was the coolest party ever...

And there are pictures!! Not of the end, thank god. Brad was probably one of the only people sober enough to operate the camera and he and Sara left before things got... questionable.

This is the second party we've had here and there seems to be some pattern to their progression... or degredation ... or ... something. I don't know what to say, Justin and I must be the acceptible SuperFreak couple cos we host the only parties I've ever been to where people end up making out and/ or naked. But that's probably cos it's the same group of highly liberal, open minded individuals and, well, I don't go to many other parties.

All told, it was a rather intense and crazzzzyyyy evening.

We ate the fud, drank the drink, caked the cake, and generally became more and more fuzzy until it was suddenly 2AM, a long haul considering people arrived at seven...

And for the part of the party that was PG-- well, that can be best described in photos.

Yes, I was drunk enough to model my new wetsuit and silly enough to cut the 3-layer, devil's food cake with a katana. At least I still had my clothes on at that point.

Mmmmm.... katana frosting...

And I discovered that one cannot play strip poker while drunk if one cannot play poker well. Nor can one teach a group of drunk friends to play strip Munchkin. (I can't do much of anything while drunk.) So I escaped the state of progressive unclothedness to talk to Alex in the solace of the study where, thankfully, I convinced him not to flee long enough for us to have a half-sober but very productive conversation.

For the first time in my life after trying something like this where I attempt to bring all the corners of my scattered life together into a full circle, I have the feeling that in some odd way, I've succeeded. I know a few people felt a little socially awkward last night (myself included) but I don't think there was any animosity. We were all old friends, even those of us who didn't know each other really well.

I don't think I'm going to kill myself, nor do I expect that semi to run me over (maybe blake took the hit meant for me). I'm ready for twenty and I think I can make it through with people like all of you. Let's keep it like this.

Today I woke up and though I was a little groggy and a little embarrassed of myself, I was happy. I think I also knocked at least another five percent off my purity score last night. Alas, we didn't have any sushi for eating off naked bodies, nor were we alert enough to remember the fudge sauce. Sigh.

Oh, and for those of you who haven't seen it as of this morning, take a look at Justin's arm. He was giving plasma on Thursday and they inundated his vein causing the blood to spill into the inside of his skin. That's what that bruise is, pooled blood. As of last night it was a few lines and gruesome track marks. As of this morning, you can see the waffle of our cotton blanket marked in his arm. GROSS!!

I was up until after four and didn't get nearly enough sleep so this level of coherence is all I can manage for now. Perhaps more tomorrow? Please look at the rest of the pictures... they're pretty funny.