Bats in the Belfry
Well, it looks like Justin and I don't have to worry about expressing our seasonal jollies cos the neighbors will do it for us.
I came home today to THIS:

Halloween is the first "major" holiday I've lived here and, well, may be the last if I'm smothered by all the obscene decorations festively adorning our front porch. DEAR GOD, I mean look at the SIZE of that spider, it's HUGE!!!
The way I see it, this leaves us several options: do nothing and find out if our curious non-decoration serves to piss them off, decorate as we normally would with perhaps some wheat and pumpkins when the time is right... or... AHEM... DECLARE WAR!! I say that spider is infringing on our side of the porch. I say we can do better, more stylish decorations. I SAY WE FIND THE MOST DELICIOUSLY TACKY DECORATIONS IN ALL EUGENE AND PUT THEM UP HERE, NOW!!! MAKE THE PIE HIGHER!!!
I opt for option three. Problem is, we're poor. Anyone have any tacky halloween remnants that we can borrow? I promise to document the whole thing with the camera!! I could really go all out and put pentegrams and other wiccan non-commercial decorations all over the place and see if it freaks out the management. Hahaha. HAHAHA! HAAAAHAHAH. ha. 'hem.
hoo boy. Can't WAIT for christmas. Hmm... that gives me an idea- why not put up christmas decorations NOW?
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