Wednesday, April 17

Heh heh... I just spent the last half hour at a useless Psychology lab "remembering" how to use the Net Send command. This is fun if you have Windows 2000, NT, or XP. 95/98 can install it... but what kind of fun is that? Net send is a command that allows you to send messages through DOS to other network nodes based on their IP or computer name. It took me half an hour to find the right command online because I couldn't remember it. Then, I tested it on myself and Blake at Microservices.

The command at the prompt is "net send IP/computer name message". This sends a message to the node in the form of a pop-up window that contains the message and the computer name from which it was sent.

After I figured this out, I started sending messages to the other computers in the lab. Conveniently they were all labelled with their names (all names from the Princess Bride). It took me a while to work up the guts to do this, but it was so worth it to see the look on peoples' face. HAHAHA...