Saturday, January 26

Random Signage
So we were driving down Willamette (I think) after eating at Misako's, and I just noticed that there's actually an "Elderly Xing" sign near blockbuster. Not JUST a labled Pedestrian Xing, but a dude leaning over on a cane. It's so fucking hilarious. I think there are four of them; two on either side of the street and then another two. Pooor Elderly, can't they even be quantified as regular pedestrians anymore? It's just like "Slow Children Ahead." How insulting! hee hee

Went to a great party last night at Jades. Got pretty drunk, made a few toasts to friendship, patriarchy, and blow jobs. Got more drunk, fell down a little and then went home. Tonight we go to another party... onward, and upward!! Or, perhaps downward, to the level of regular college students. Oh, how I stoop.

In other news, the frigid bitch roomate is now moving out due to "health reasons." I think she hates me. Well, it's not entirely mutual, but I have fleeting moments of murderous rage. So we met her substitute, some guy Riley from Eastern Oregon. Seems like he's had a down-home upbringing, so he might be a little conservative. But he's soft-spoken, laid back, and likes the hash every now and then. And he shows no signs of being a bitch. So he'll be a nice substitute for the current leasee. What happens next? Muzukashi desu ne...

PS... it snows, how it snows...