Leaving on a Jet Plane...
Well, ducklings, it's becoming real. Today I got my plane tickets to Tokyo. They're here; they're in my hands.
I leave on the 16th from SeaTac on Air Canada. Stop in Vancouver for a few hours, then straight to Narita. Nine hours, 45 minutes on that second plane. Yay. Wow, I'll be messed up losing a whole day. I mean, shit, I leave at 1:15PM and arrive at 3PM the next day. Uffff. But knowing me, I'll probably sleep the whole way anyway and have been up all night the whole night before. I'm a young'un, I should adjust in two days or so.
But, wow. I'm actually going. I paid for it myself. That makes it so much more... awesome.... (I'm at a loss for words).
I raised over $14,500 in scholarships. If I got my act together, maybe I could make some money off my website. $5,000 would be nice! =D
And tomorrow... tomorrow, guess what? I get my shiny new laptop, iPod and printer! Freaking FINALLY!!! I also have more money than I thought, due to the fact that I cannot add and my credit balance is $165 more than I expected. Huzzah!
I'd be feelin' the love if I weren't in my weird emotionless state right now. They'll be back soon, the feelings. Let's pray I don't do anything too stupid with them. But I will. I always do. But that's the fun of it, ne?
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