Matrix PIE
Oh... oh yeah... again, please. More pie. More.
That fucking pwned. We totally commandeered the front of the line and our party of geeks took up the "first" (Read: behind the wheelchair seating, not in the front of the theatre) two rows. The two "agents" we had in line multiplied to a group of over.... fifteen?? I didn't even wait in line for more than three hours. Most people waited less than two.
The best part, seriously, was even before the movie started when Brad (Kilo) brought his laptop into the theatre after we were seated and proceeded to screen the original Matrix and then connect to the internet (via UO dialup) through an infrared connection to his cell phone and AIMed all of us that had active screenames at home.

What can I say? Geeks + matrix= 0wnz0red.
And that pie? Oh jeez, where can I get that?!??!?! What happens if you eat a whole slice??? MMMMM.... chocolatey cumlicious.
Ok, but the second best part was when Trinity was hacking the mainframe and she popped up a terminal in ssh. Those of us in consulting and support just started cracking up and cheering. Despite the fact that she actually (to the best of my knowledge and based on hearsay) typed in real commands, the most 1337 of the bunch had several pointers for her afterwards. Like, hello?, turn off the verbose switch and save yourself having to watch the terminal scroll through all the commands. I mean, DUH. Wanna save your boyfriend or not??
And the critics were right, the dance at Zion did look a bit like a wine cooler commercial. I didn't care, the ... other... um... scenes... ok... yeah.
But that pie. MM. Matrix pie. I wonder if they can make that at Xenon.
Homework? Matrix pie? Homework? Matrix pie? Homework? nnn....nope....
Sheeeyah right... it's a total eclipse tonight. After all that there's no way the homework's getting done. This blonde babe's gotta play Trinity for her Neo.
*cues the music*
(ahahahaha, sorry, I couldn't help it...)
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