Wednesday, November 20

Live! In Concert
Hmm... so I've found out that I can get out of my Japanese final by taking it on Wednesday. That means that, theoretically I could drive up to Seattle on Tuesday, go see Tori on Tuesday night, and drive back Wednesday morning. Possible? Yes. Plausible? Yes. Reasonable? Uhhh....

Well, let's see. The PROs are I'd get to see Tori Amos, my one goddess of music. And I suppose you only live once. But I'd have to spend $36 on tickets and about $40 on gas. That WOULD be covered by the cash I'll make doing this second photo shool but I SHOULD really use that to put into savings and for Christmas shopping. BUT my family really isn't doing a big christmas this year.... STILL, driving up and back would be a LOT of stress and would probably inhibit me from studying for Japanese very much because I'd still have to GET BACK in time for the makeup final that's time is still TBA. I also FEEL BAD lying to my professors that I'm going up to Seattle on "family business." What if they find out?

So.... god... fuck... I dunno. How do I weight the opportunity cost of going to see Tori against the dissapointment of not doing it?

I don't think it would change my life to NOT see her in concert again. I didn't even know she had a new CD or was going to be in concert until I read about it on someone's LJ and downloaded the CD.

However, it *might* change my life to see her in concert. She was AMAZING the first time I saw her. Like nothing else. Sigh.

What should I do? It's so much time and so much money... but... it's Tori....
